Humorous and offbeat mother/daughter conversation!

When a mother and daughter get together for honest, real conversation, you never know what's going to happen! With their humor and different personalities, listeners are in for a treat whether they listen to these ladies or watch them "Wine Down" on some of the current topics. You can listen to the Shawn and Cyd podcast anytime on this website or streaming on iTunes, and Spotify. Don't forget to subscribe to their weekly "Wine Down with Shawn and Cyd" videos on Youtube. Whatever you decide to do, you won't be disappointed. So sit back, explore, watch, and listen to some Real. Fun. Family. Radio!

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Mama Joanie’s 12 Questions of Christmas!

A lot of Christmas to unwrap with "Mama Joanie's" 90 years of Christmas Memories! This epsidode is nostalgic and fun! The 12 Days of Christmas Questions! Clink!    

Thankful for you, and today, for a surprise guest!

Happy Thanksgiving! Celebrating and Grateful! And altho Cyd couldn't be here... we have a great guest! This week a blast from the past!

Face Shaving and Stinky Cats!

In this episode of "Wine Down with Shawn and Cyd"- It's our take on the Victoria's Secret lower budget show, women with hairy faces and shaving freedom, airline line jumpers, and the nightmare of flying with a stinky cat!

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2021 © Shawn and Cyd. All rights reserved.