Tag: beauty

  • January is hard to do, let alone do it dry!

    January is hard to do, let alone do it dry!

    Whether you go hard core in January and go dry (alcohol free) or damp (dial it back), many (including us) are taking on 2023 without the “clink” of the glass. We talk abut how that has been going for us, Cyd considers getting chickens, we comb through blonde dysmorphia, and call out the scammers who…

  • From TikTok beauty to Alexa, we’ve got your tips and tricks!

    From TikTok beauty to Alexa, we’ve got your tips and tricks!

    Can’t keep up with all of the TikTok trends? You are not alone, because we are in the same boat! We decided to go to our family beauty influencer for the latest tricks. Plus, today we talk about all the things Alexa and Ring can do, something new in raising kids called platonic parenting, how…

  • Stop! Binge watching is busting your body! Maybe just one more show…

    Stop! Binge watching is busting your body! Maybe just one more show…

    We all do it! The pandemic has allowed us to binge watch TV without any guilt. Problem is, we are hurting our minds and our bodies the longer we lay around and watch (but it is sooo fun!). Today we talk about the binging effects, plus, how to win those crazy big sweepstakes and the…