Tag: holidays

  • Holiday fun stuff and an homage to a Christmas Stye!

    Holiday fun stuff and an homage to a Christmas Stye!

    Happy Holidays from Shawn and Cyd! Today we chit chat a bit about the pressures of gifting, girl math,  holiday retail shopping bias and stresses. Oh, and the reveal of the new smash hit, “Oh Christmas Stye”! Seriously tho, thank you for a great year! We look forward to more fun and friendship in 2024!

  • Do Holiday Traditions Still Matter?

    Do Holiday Traditions Still Matter?

    We are rolling right into Thanksgiving, and from this point forward the holidays are officially underway at full speed! So, why do people seem to care less and less about them? We chat traditions today and whether the younger generations care all that much about them. And, the universal need to have love has never…

  • Your “White Elephant Gift”, and your DNA results are No Joke!

    Your “White Elephant Gift”, and your DNA results are No Joke!

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year, with “white elephant” gifting, some DNA sifting, and holiday cheer. It’s the most absolutley hectic, incredibly exhausting, and perfectly Blessed time! Join us  and let our ridiculousness be your “special holiday elixir”!

  • Pass the sweet potatoes! Oh, and we’ll pass on that buffet!

    Pass the sweet potatoes! Oh, and we’ll pass on that buffet!

    Thankful for so much on this Thanksgiving! And, we include you, our faithful listeners, among what we are so thankful for this year! Now, as far as traditions go, we have a heartfelt discussion about how our germaphobe tendancies won’t allow us to go to buffets, and some hard truths about the least favorite dishes…

  • Wow! We really “overshare”! Why do we say that stuff?

    Wow! We really “overshare”! Why do we say that stuff?

    Do you know an “oversharer”? Or are you one? Wait until you hear Shawn’s grocery store story! Also, we would rather not share your butter board, thank you very much! But, we might share a scare watching a horror movie together.  How about sharing a few minutes with us for some fun!