Tag: shopping

  • Going shopping actually gets you going? What?

    Going shopping actually gets you going? What?

    Today we dip our toes into the shallows and all sorts of odd topics like…where to live if WW3 was to occur, Costco is now in the gold businesss, there is a Kardashian who enjoys her own breast milk, and there is a reason store restrooms are stinky! Bet you didn’t see that wave coming!

  • Chill Out and Be Better People! There, We Said It!

    Chill Out and Be Better People! There, We Said It!

    What is happening to civility? From the “Smash and Grab” store robberies, to the rude workers, the nosey neighbors, lack of common courtesy, and so on, and so on, it is getting crazy! We have many observations, and few solutions, of course. Heck, if you listen to us you already know that!

  • A stumble through Bumble, and what’s up with Ashley Madison?

    A stumble through Bumble, and what’s up with Ashley Madison?

    Online dating “ain’t’ for the faint of heart! The journey has been a big stumble through Bumble! While Cyd roots her mother on, she also has her opinions on the whole process, and the skeevy world of Ashley Madison! We also have some fun with weight loss topics, the sights you see and can’t unsee…