Category: pop culture

  • Mall Massages and Peripheral Parenting

    Mall Massages and Peripheral Parenting

    A big wedding is about to happen in our family, so today we chat a bit about the Mother of the Groom dance tune, the ugly cry, kids at weddings, and assorted pre-wedding topics. We also talk about parenting in these times, and the awkward mall massages and who gets them, plus more!

  • Chill Out and Be Better People! There, We Said It!

    Chill Out and Be Better People! There, We Said It!

    What is happening to civility? From the “Smash and Grab” store robberies, to the rude workers, the nosey neighbors, lack of common courtesy, and so on, and so on, it is getting crazy! We have many observations, and few solutions, of course. Heck, if you listen to us you already know that!

  • Hollywood hearts are breaking! Should we be surprised?

    Hollywood hearts are breaking! Should we be surprised?

    Is it harder to keep love alive in Hollywood? It sure seems so. Couples are uncoupling left and right in tinsel town, and it might surprise you who is calling it quits. Today, we talk divorce, online love, the Golden Bachelor, the death of malls, and the bizarre life of Elon Musk. Fun to be…

  • The dirty paper walk of shame!

    The dirty paper walk of shame!

    Traveling abroad should be required humility for pampered Americans. Cyd found out in Mexico with the walk of shame! We chat about that, test our knowledge of the latest text abbreviations, talk online dating, and consider taking on the #pullupchallenge!

  • A stumble through Bumble, and what’s up with Ashley Madison?

    A stumble through Bumble, and what’s up with Ashley Madison?

    Online dating “ain’t’ for the faint of heart! The journey has been a big stumble through Bumble! While Cyd roots her mother on, she also has her opinions on the whole process, and the skeevy world of Ashley Madison! We also have some fun with weight loss topics, the sights you see and can’t unsee…

  • Calling out all chicken-themed decorators!

    Calling out all chicken-themed decorators!

    Part of the risk of doing a show with your grown daughter, is you get a definite dose of reality from time to time! Today, Cyd reveals that my decorating choices in the 90’s were lame, and are now the focus of the latest TikTok viral spoof. Great! Also today, we talk about “shrinkflation” and…

  • Who’s High At Work These Days?

    Who’s High At Work These Days?

    More and more states are legalizing pot, and not surprisingly, more and more people are high on the job. YIKES! We sort out the most buzzed workers on the job these days. We also talk about that first tongue kiss and the intro of herpes to the world. YIKES! Oh, and we chat about how…

  • Settle down guys, she’s AI!

    Settle down guys, she’s AI!

    We are pretty sure we actually are the two who recorded this, but with the craziness of AI…who knows? Today’s show we have some fun with the latest AI hoax and someone they called Claudia that wasn’t all that men wanted her to be! Also, the story about a woman who spent 500 days under…

  • Easter egg hunt fails, and other odd human behaviors!

    Easter egg hunt fails, and other odd human behaviors!

    Happy Easter, and Happy Passover too, to you and yours. Today Cyd and I talk about crazy parents and the failed Easter egg hunts we have witnessed and read about. People are NUTS! We also discuss the TIKTOK newest obsession with Sonny Angels, and then we round it out with lively chat about the new…

  • Dog Park Dictators, and TikTok Tipping Debators!

    Dog Park Dictators, and TikTok Tipping Debators!

    What is it about dog parks that bring out the bossy in people? Cydney had a run in with the dog park self-proclaimed police! We chat dog parks, TikTok getting the possible boot, TikTok stirring up the tipping debate, and a journey down our streaming guide choices.