Tag: dating apps

  • Thankful for you, and today, for a surprise guest!

    Thankful for you, and today, for a surprise guest!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Celebrating and Grateful! And altho Cyd couldn’t be here… we have a great guest! This week a blast from the past!

  • A stumble through Bumble, and what’s up with Ashley Madison?

    A stumble through Bumble, and what’s up with Ashley Madison?

    Online dating “ain’t’ for the faint of heart! The journey has been a big stumble through Bumble! While Cyd roots her mother on, she also has her opinions on the whole process, and the skeevy world of Ashley Madison! We also have some fun with weight loss topics, the sights you see and can’t unsee…

  • Together but separate…Same house two beds!

    Together but separate…Same house two beds!

    Togetherness has many different meanings when it comes to getting a good nights sleep! today we share stories of the long-suffering couples who have decided that separate bedrooms makes everyone happier. Also in this podcast, we talk Covid haircuts and what the masks were hiding, Tinder and the way the app is trying to make…

  • Shhhhh!! Alexa is probably recording your nonsense!

    Shhhhh!! Alexa is probably recording your nonsense!

    Call her what you want, but that spy named ‘Alexa” is being accused of some covert activity! So, what could be exposing your house to her big ears? We chat about that today plus, what happens with makeup after masks come off, the tick invasion in your yard and on your pets and people, aliens…

  • WE found some pretty gross things in food and so did YOU!

    WE found some pretty gross things in food and so did YOU!

    So there you are just opening a can of asparagus (no judgement) and lo and behold you see some bloody gauze! Disgusting! We share our stories and so do you, plus we talk about the stress of job loss and trying to sleep, Covid bad smells, the “not so happiest place on earth”, your dating…